Just completed an interesting task for my DEVIL MAKE A THIRD Primer. I have selected quotes from the novel's Forward, 33 CHAPTERS, and 11 Interludes. I believe these quotes summarize the action in each chapter and my next project will be to compose brief summaries of the action from which each quote is taken.
FORWARD: "The lusty, always greedy, sometimes fumbling fingers of the strong man enrich the country in spite of his motives, as the earthworm's blind and selfish groping mellows the soil."
CHAPTER 1 (circa 1887) : "Headin' for town..."
CHAPTER 2: "Take the first job somebody offers me, long as it ain't a tool job."
INTERLUDE #1: " 'F I hadn't borrowed the first dollar from Buck Bannon, he'd never 'o made a loan."
CHAPTER 3: "His wife's sick. He needs money right now for some doctorin' in Atlanta."
CHAPTER 4: "I don't give a damn about bein' a gentleman but, by God, I'll be payin' my debts, till I die."
INTERLUDE #2 (circa 1890) : "He left in a rubber-tired buggy, all right."
CHAPTER 5: "Please don't let me be scared of all them folks."
INTERLUDE #3: "Now I couldn't even be a night watchman if Buck wasn't buildin' his folks a house an' hired me so he could get his money back."
CHAPTER 6: "Big Vic. We got a Little Vic."
CHAPTER 7: "We're goin' to call her Christina."
INTERLUDE #4 (circa 1895) : "Wasn't for him, you wouldn't even have a job helpin' to lay out the town."
CHAPTER 8 (circa 1900) : "He'll be drunk for two days and won't have a chance to tell it in town."
CHAPTER 9: "I don't think you could do anything that wasn't pretty."
INTERLUDE #5 (circa 1905) : "He got me this job because he and old man Dean got to be big political buddies and he says if I'll pay him half my salary ever' week, he won't charge no more interest."
CHAPTER 10: "Stick around. Reckon we can gee on some other matters, too."
CHAPTER 11: "I'm all that and I'm a man that don't change. But if you're in love with the kind of man I am now, by the Lord, I ain't goin' to change."
CHAPTER 12: "We don't need light right now."
INTERLUDE #6: "Jake, what bothers me is, how come he can do things like he's doin' to you and you stay friends with him?"
CHAPTER 13: "Hold supper up. Got somethin' to 'tend to."
CHAPTER 14: "Losses don't bother me. I just draw a new hand an' raise all bets."
CHAPTER 15: "Papa died."
INTERLUDE #7 (circa 1910) : "Talkin' 'bout me wastin' on, women, look at him. It was a woman made that girl clear out."
CHAPTER 16: "It was kinda fun fixin' up to give 'em that stuff."
CHAPTER 17: "One thing I've always wanted to see though, New York."
CHAPTER 18: "A hotel with a bathroom and a telephone in every room."
INTERLUDE #8: "Miss Edie, here's number twenty-five."
CHAPTER 19: "I hope you can find me a place."
CHAPTER 20: "You've only known me three weeks, you don't even know if you'd like to kiss me."
INTERLUDE #9 (circa 1915): "Old as Buck is, there ain't apt to be no more a'comin."
CHAPTER 21: "Go on down Lessie Whitfield."
CHAPTER 22: "Well, Preacher, lucky you didn't sleep in your tent last night."
CHAPTER 23: "I can just see little old Ed Reddick collectin' taxes from Josie's Hollow Horn girls."
INTERLUDE #9: "Well, sir, you can't never tell about Buck. I didn't figure he'd get over Tobe Parody gettin' killed"
CHAPTER 24: "She's just got a one-way fare, Buck, but she's routed right."
CHAPTER 25: "It's a plumb shame that everybody can't afford to live all the time like they didn't have but one more day."
CHAPTER 26: "Your place is so much like the house we used to live in, maybe you'd just let me come down here to visit."
INTERLUDE #10: "Pore Buck, ever'body around him droppin' out, an' his brand-new wife packin' off to boardin' school."
CHAPTER 27: "And, by God, when I get to where I have to be serviced like a damn brood mare, I'll get a man. It won't be a spineless dog."
CHAPTER 28: "Good God, let me get out of this place."
CHAPTER 29: "I'm going to wear white satin, cut real low, and white gloves up past my elbows. At the dedication, when you make the speech."
CHAPTER 30: "She's gone."
CHAPTER 31: "Put it on the records as a bridal suite and charge double our usual rates."
INTERLUDE #11: "Mighty good to see a fellow get in shape to retire." "Go to hell."
CHAPTER 32: "My God, that'll be the capitol calling from Montgomery."
CHAPTER 33: "Drop the guitar."
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