Monday, February 01, 2021

 I have no doubt that Bascom, Florida is named after Henry Bascom (1796-1850), the Methodist circuit rider responsible of for the Methodists splitting over slavery in 1844 but I'm thinking that another "Henry Bascom" may have had something to do with it. I am almost certain that the original Henry Bascom never visited Florida in his lifetime.  That other "Henry Bascom" I'm talking about was my great-great uncle, Reverend HENRY BASCOM REGISTER, who was named after Bascom at the time of his birth in 1850, two months after the original Henry Bascom's death. H.B. Register's father, my great great Grandfather, John Young Register of Geneva, was also a Methodist circuit rider along with his son who he named Henry Bascom Register in 1850. For decades, Reverend H.B. Register served under the Marianna District of the Methodist Church. In 1896, he was the circuit rider for the Westville, Florida circuit. Westville is located across the river from Caryville. In 1911 and 1913, Reverend Register served the Cypress, Florida district. Cypress was located east of Grand Ridge below Two Egg.  H.B. Register's brother, John Forsyth Register was a Baptist circuit rider and LEONIA, FLORIDA north of Bonifay is named after his wife. Reverend J.F. Register was also the second sheriff of Geneva County. (ironically, one of the main characters in DEVIL MAKE A THIRD is BASCOM "Bass" WOOTEN) 


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