Thursday, July 16, 2020

 Two things about this article: #1~ It does not mention that according to both the Alabama and Florida constitutions the state boundary from the Perdido to the Chattahoochee runs between Ellicott's 1799 witness mounds built at one-mile-long intervals between the two rivers yet these guys claim to have identified only 25. That leaves over 100 unidentified mound sites so the true jurisdictional legal boundary between Alabama and Florida between the Perdido and the Chattahoochee is presently UNKNOWN. #2~ As far as I know, the present accepted boundary was finalized in 1854 after Whitner completed the survey for both states due to Barnard's findings in 1848.
These guys say that it took until 1900 for the two states to agree. That's news to me.


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