Monday, June 29, 2020

DAY 110: Here's an interesting QUARANTINE VIDEO sent to me by my old friend, Duane Straub who plays guitar in the MACWORLD ALL-STAR BAND as well as serving as the head of the ROOT BOY SLIM & THE SEX CHANGE BAND fan club.

Dear Friends & Family,
I hope this email finds you and yours safe and healthy, and not in serious financial difficulties. 

For those of you who didn’t know or remember, I play with the Macworld All Star Band - it’s just that we haven’t had a gig in 6 years… We’ve started to plan a reunion twice, but nothing became of it - until now. Check out the fun press release and our video of Feelin’ Alright. 

If you are a music lover not having too hard of a time right now, you might consider donating to the MusiCares COVID Relief Fund. If you are a musician in need, see if they can help you out. I can testify MusiCares has helped people I know personally, most recently paying the funeral expenses of a wonderful man and musician, Snooky Flowers, RIP.

Best regards and wishes to you all,


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