Monday, August 26, 2019

 C.F. "Dug" Baker (1882-1930) is the model for the character of Hearn Bannon in DEVIL MAKE A THIRD. Hearn is the most notorious character in the novel because he hits up on Lota, his brother Buck's "child bride."
from page 297:
"The low-down part of it is you know I won't hurt Buck by telling him."
"It was a good gamble," Hearn admitted.
"And he'll go right on loving you. He'll furnish you money for women and liquor and fine bird dogs and you'll come in now and then and leave a dozen birds and them not even gutted."
"Unh!" Hearn grunted as if she had struck him.

She shook the door. "And, by God," she went on, talking faster and faster, "when I get to where I have to be serviced like a damned brood mare, I'll get a man. It won't be a spineless dog."


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