In DEVIL MAKE A THIRD, one of the most interesting female characters is Lota Kyle, a nineteen-year-old schoolteacher from Georgia who 48 year old Buck takes as his "trophy wife" in an Aven church wedding five weeks after meeting her. The character of Lota is based upon 19 year old Dothan High graduate Eula Stagg who 50 year old Dothan Mayor Buck Baker married in 1919. Eula got her "15 minutes of fame" in 1943 when she was brought before a U.S. House of Representatives Military Affairs subcommittee and refused to testify about lobbying parties where she served fried chicken and cocktails to politicians and military officers who could help her employer land defense contracts. From that moment on in the national press, Eula became known as "the mystery woman of R Street", referring to the large house in Washington, D.C. where the parties were held. Today, I found Eula's burial place in Jacksonville, Florida on the Web. (One of Buck Baker's sisters had a daughter named Lota Cheek who in 1922 was named the BOSTON'S PRETTIEST GIRL. After this event was picked up by the press, Lota was soon dubbed AMERICA'S PRETTIEST GIRL in the nation's newspapers. Although her press clippings say she was raised in Dawson, Georgia, she had also lived in Dothan)
Monday, November 20, 2017
About Me
- Name: robertoreg
- Location: Northport, Alabama
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