Thursday, November 16, 2017

Well, I'm up to Chapter 21 on my "dissection" of the novel, DEVIL MAKE A THIRD. The last "piece of the puzzle" that threw me for a loop was this sentence describing Alabama Governor Thrasher's wife at a banquet being held in Harrison House, "Her lifeless-looking hands fluttered occasionally up over her flat chest, as if she had slipped down inside the whalebone shell of her pale-green gown and wanted to pull back up." This put me on a search for the role of the corset in turn-of-the-century Dothan and I've learned a lot. Warner's was making corsets way back in DEVIL MAKE A THIRD days and back in the late-Sixties, I earned a lot my spending money in high school changing tires on those shiny, clean Warner's trucks filled with ladies' undergarments manufactured at their Dothan plant.


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