Tuesday, November 10, 2015

named for Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac, appointed  by the French government to succeed Bienville as second Governor of Louisiana. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_de_la_Mothe_Cadillac
This east to west street is located two sections north of the 4-way stop on both sides of LeMoyne Drive. The eastern secton runs from Grant Street on the east to Narvaez Street on the west. West of Salt Creek Cadillac begins again on the east of Pascagoula Street and continues west to the canals south of Druhan Island. Find-A-Grave link http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=113583180

named in honor of America's greatest Indian "pow-wows" or peace conferences which was held on Dauphin Island by twenty-four Indian tribes who met for sixty days with French Governor L'Epinet and who smoked with him the calumet of peace. This great congress of Indian Nations was of far-reaching importance throughout the entire Mississippi Valley.https://books.google.com/books?id=XJ9phjBhQyQC&pg=PR14&lpg=PR14&dq=%22dauphin+island%22++CALUMET&source=bl&ots=y6rlm4tm9L&sig=WzjOYloqyyP53XbZc_pRBJG1yUU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBGoVChMIzJe-uPKDyQIVh_M-Ch3stg5B#v=onepage&q=%22dauphin%20island%22%20%20CALUMET&f=false Calumet Park is the official name of the park that surrounds the Water Tower at the 4-way stop.

#12 CHATEAUGUE POINT (pronounced Shatto-gay)
it is here that the Bridge first touches Dauphin Island. Sieur de Chateaugue was one of the LeMoyne brothers and devoted much of his effort to the transfer of supplies from the King's Warehouse on Dauphin Island to the capital fort at Mobile. Time and new accents have reduced this geographical name on Dauphin Island to "Point Chugae" (pronounced Chu-gi) . The northern section of LeMoyne Drive ends at the present-day bridge on Point Chugae.https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Le_Moyne_de_Ch%C3%A2teauguay

Antoine Le Moyne de Châteauguay died March 21, 1747 in Rochefort, France.

named for Mme. Chaumont of France who owned a large plantation near Moss Point and who in 1720 was one of seven plantation owners who brought over more than 4,000 persons from Europe in seven ships and established them in the Louisiana province.                   T
 This street is north of the 4-way stop on both sides of LeMoyne. It begins at Key Street on the east and runs west to Omega Street.(according to this link the Chaumont Plantation was located up the Pascagoula River 37 miles from its mouth and one mile south of the present-day Wade Bridge http://www.jchgs-ms.org/PDF%20files/Jackson%20County%20timeline%20from%201812.pdf ) Madame Chaumont was Marie-Catherine Barre (1673-1762) . She was married to  Antoine Chaumont. http://daniel.burgot.perso.neuf.fr/html/deportation/chaumont.htm

an ancestral name of French significance in the development of Dauphin Island. (This writer has been told that this street was actually named for WWII hero Claire Chennault. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_Lee_Chennault Find-A-Grave link http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=194 ) This east to west street is NE of the 4-way stop. It begins on the east at Cavalier Circle and ends on the west at Fort Conde Street.

named for the Fort Gaines Clubhouse which is situated midway along this roadway. http://www.dauphinislandhistory.org/photos_pcards/ft_gaines_club_expand.htm (this is no longer a Dauphin Island street name)

named for the French military leader who was known as the Great Conde and who LaSalle and Tonty much needed support in France and help in maintaining supplies for their extensive expeditions. Louis II de Bourbon, Duc d’Enghien , Prince de Conde https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis,_Grand_Cond%C3%A9 This east to west street is NE of the 4-way stop. It begins on the east at Cavalier Circle and ends on the west at Fort Conde Street. He was buried in the Église at Valery, the traditional burial place of the Princes of Condé. The following link describes the tomb of THE GREAT CONDE http://www.tombes-sepultures.com/crbst_1024.html

named for Prince de Conti, a French leader and also King of Poland, who actively supported the new Louisiana Province. He was especially loved in France because of his considerate personality and admired because of his courage and leadership.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Louis,_Prince_of_Conti This street is located NE of the 4-way stop and dead-ends only about one block west from its intersection with its intersection at the north end of Grant Street. Link to the burial place of Louis, Prince of Conti http://www.landrucimetieres.fr/spip/spip.php?article2763

named for Oliver H. Delchamps(1900-1987), President of the Mobile Chamber of Commerce when the Gordon Persons Overseas Highway and the Dauphin Island Bridge were built. This street is NE of the 4-way stop. It is the last street intersecting with the west side of LeMoyne Drive before the bridge that takes you off the island. Mr. Delchamps and his brother founded the Delchamps Supermarket chain. Find-A-Grave link http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=50550074


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