Wednesday, January 12, 2022

 There are some incredible connections between Tuscaloosa and Dougie Bailey's (pen name: Douglas Fields Bailey) 1948 novel, DEVIL MAKE A THIRD. Dougie was one of Hudson Strode's students and Strode helped him to get a publishing contract. Dougie married Hugo and Sam Friedman's niece and was a lifelong fishing partner of the Friedmans, Coach Frank Thomas, Coach Red Drew and other Tuscaloosans. In his novel, Dougie took the maiden name of Sam Friedman's wife, LONGSHORE, and made it the name of the banking family in his fictional Alabama town of Aven. The model for the character of Amos Longshore in the novel was Captain G.Y. Malone who was Dothan's first banker and the father of many descendants who continued the Malone family banking tradition. My blog about the novel is now called THE DEVIL MAKE A THIRD PRIMER: How to WIN at figuring the arithmetic of NECESSARY EVIL with a 4th grade education .


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