Thursday, January 30, 2020

On page 257, about two-thirds through the novel DEVIL MAKE A THIRD, the main character, Buck Bannon, has an important internal dialogue concerning how the killing of his best friend, Tobe Parody, fit in with God's plan:

"...Am I supposed to change? Now, how in the world can I just tell myself to change? I'm like I was made and it don't seem right for me to set about remaking a man, even if it is me. And how would I start? Godamighty, it just like I furnish a farmer- gave him land to work, seed to plant, and mules and tools. He'd do the best he could I reckon. Looks like I got furnished with whatever I am, and it's up to me to do the best with what I've got. I don't go behind and look up a farmer tryin' to furnish him with some more. After I've set him up, the rest is up to him..."

"If God had figured for a man to know what God was doing, He'd have made it that way. I reckon He's able to do it, but He don't. He just sticks them here, looks like, and tells them to work it out the best they can. So that's what I'll do. I'll go along, using what tools He gave me the best I know how, and if I manage better'n some, or worse'n some, it'll be my own crop. Hell, I ain't a man to change."

"I talk like a damn circuit rider."


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