Thursday, November 19, 2015

named for the twenty-four Indian tribes which lived peacefully near Mobile and which maintained close friendship with the French in Mobile. This east to west street is SE of the 3-way stop. It begins on the east at its intersection with Hernando Street and goes west to a dead end past its intersection with Iberville Drive. Penicaut's commentary from page 206 of FLEUR DE LYS AND CALUMET: "These savages are named the Chaqtos, the Taouachas, the Apalaches, the Tinssas, the Mobilians, the Tomez, the Gensdes Fourches [McWilliams' footnote 13: The first seven tribes named are small tribes living near Fort Louis de la Mobile. The Naniabas, who lived at The Forks (FOURCHES) of the Tombigbee and Alabama Rivers, are omitted from this list. Surely they come to sing the calumet to the new governor and share in French largess. The deduction is that Gens des Fourches were the Naniabas) the Chactas, the Pascagoulas, the Passacolas, the Capinans, the Colapissas, the Bayagoulas, the Oumas, the Tonicas, the Chaouchas, the Natchez, the Chicachas, the Nassitoches, the Yatacez, the Alabamons, the Canapouces, and others [McWilliams' footnote 14: I have twenty-two tribes listed. But I had to supply Chactas, Pascagoulas and Passacolas from Spofford, p. 372. Margry has nineteen in his list (DECOUVERTES, V, 547) Several of these tribes had come from a great distance: the Chicachas from north Mississippi and Tennessee; the Nassitoches and Yatacez from the Red River; the Canapouces(Catawba) from Carolina. But French presents no doubt paid them well for the effort.]
These calumets of peace lasted more than two months because the savages, being too badly separated one from another, could not all be there at the same time. They were all well received by M. de l'Epinet, who sent them back home with presents." Link to page 206 of FLEUR DE LYS AND CALUMET


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