Sunday, December 25, 2022

from the January 19, 1960 Dothan Eagle

Tuesday, June 24, 1958 Dothan Eagle

from the July 3, 1946 Dothan Eagle

"H.P. Parish" was the spelling used in the 1948 Dothan Eagle but "Henry P. Parrish" was the spelling on his tombstone.

from the March 27, 1942 Dothan Eagle 

J.N. Parish lived at 404 East Crawford Street during WWII.,-85.3868948,3a,75y,93.86h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s45IheLQwofq_bo6BLfWFzA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m2!3m1!1s0x889293063d75a153:0x18fea1a17b89e58a

W.Y. Register lived at 305 West Crawford during WWII.,+Dothan,+AL+36301/@31.2220486,-85.396794,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smAzKpcCVQgyTGyUMUoAqPA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x889292fe18f1b86f:0x714f4a39ed3b09f9!8m2!3d31.2218641!4d-85.3967205

Jay's Cafe was first called the Quick Service Lunch or Jay's Quick Service Lunch or Jay's Place. It opened in 1938. He had a partnership with Mrs. Gussie Trotter until 1946. Mrs. Trotter was a notorious Dothan slum lord. She had 17 houses condemned in 1948 because they had no water or indoor plumbing. That's pretty bad because Dothan didn't outlaw outhouses until the 1960s under Mayor Earle Moody.

from the December 9, 1940 Dothan Eagle

from the February 17, 1989 Montgomery Advertiser

Ms. Story was born in Ty Ty, Georgia which was named for the titi or buckwheat tree. The tree grows along the banks of creeks in the Wiregrass. They produce impenetrable thickets that land surveyors despise. This wikipedia map of its range is incorrect because it occurs naturally in southeastern Houston County.

findagrave post for Jay Nathaniel Parrish

Bob Miller and Hilton Parish from May 3, 1963 Dothan Eagle
from the July 25, 1963 Dothan Eagle


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