Thursday, July 22, 2021

STARSHIP AMAZON PRIME (that old-time DRUID religion or Camelliacrucianism) :



  The applicant naturally inquires where, and is told to seek a Stone which once lay supine on earth, but has now been raised by human efforts until it points to higher levels of Life altogether.

This makes sound sense. The Stone is a Symbol of Man's first serious attempts to lift himself up from this Earth and point himself in what he believed was the right direction to Divinity of a Cosmic condition of Maximum Manhood. It is no mere accident that the Stone indicates the stars. From far-off stellar space came the seed of human Life to this earth, and sooner or later we have to go home again. Raising that Stone was a gesture of acknowledgement and Inner recognition towards this beginning and end of Earthlife. It was not only a wave of farewell, but a hailing sign of future fulfillment, too. Now, we might stand another such Symbol beside it in the shape of a space rocket or a launching pad. This is the equivalent of our Standing Stone in this century, and it will be surpassed by its offspring in the next, however, if it were possible to see both these symbols side by side, it would be obvious that if the first had not been set up so long ago, the second could not have lifted itself today. In addition to that, the same fundamental faith lies behind both Stone and Starship. As we look at them together, we are seeing a combined example of Man's confidence in Cosmos and his own spiritual status therein.

The Standing stone still speaks very clearly to Mankind. It has always the same message, which sounds something like, "Stop lying to yourself. Get up, stand on the basis of your best beliefs and look Life in the face. Be unshakably firm, but do not be moved to hurt anyone. Endure. Be strong, patient, and acknowledge nothing above you except Heaven." The stone has a lot more to tell those who listen carefully. It might also quote, "everything comes to he who waits." That very Stone has stood there for Centuries waiting for a Starship to take its place. It may yet be standing when whatever replaces the rocketship lifts the last Man on earth finally to the stars forever. The same Stone which saw the start of our civilization may witness the end of it here also. If we survive the Stone, we shall have reached the farthest starts. We may even reach Divinity Itself. That is the story which the Stone has to tell us in our time. 

~W.G. Gray


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