Friday, September 04, 2020

 When folks begin the truly understand how odd and and weird life I live, they start to comprehend how it may border on the BIZARRE so occasionally I'll get a question about what exactly makes me tick. I like to say I'm like a little deer waking up in the forest thirsty and hungry except with me it's for knowledge but like the deer, I never gorge out much on anything. I nibble and pick all day long until I'm tired and then I  rest for a while. This story kinda illustrates that. I woke up this morning thinkin' 'bout MOSES AND THE BURNING BUSH and I recalled how those pages in Exodus in my Great Great Grandfather Young Register's ADAM CLARKE'S COMMENTARY were so worn so I pulled it off the shelf and check it out. My ancestors must have preached on this theme a lot.


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