Thursday, August 27, 2020

Yes Man: "Don't do it, Governor Folsom! Don't go with her! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP!"
Governor Folsom: "Well, boys, y'all know if they bait that trap with nookie, they gonna catch Big Jim ever' time!"

(November, 1974) Alabama Secretary of State Mabel Amos: "George Wallace has never cared about
the people. He's never cared about the state of Alabama. He's never cared about actually running the state government. All he's ever cared about has been  his own political ambition. Governor Wallace just never has paid any attention to doing the work a governor is supposed to do. He gets his kicks out of running for office- whether it's for governor or President or whatever. He thrives on the attention and the adulation he attracts during a campaign; it feeds his ego. But he's never shown the slightest interest in carrying out the duties of his office once he's elected. He's actually the governor in name only. The last REAL governor we had was Jim Folsom (who served two terms, from 1947 to 1951 and from 1955 to 1959). Wallace learned almost everything he knows about politics from Governor Folsom. The thing is that Jim Folsom really cared about the people; George Wallace doesn't care a hang about them."

(November, 1974) James E. Folsom: "I'm against everything George is for today. He's for keepin' people in slavery; I'm against it. He's for protectin' the big interests- the big-money sons of bitches; I'm against it. He's for holdin' down the Black people; I'm against it. He's for sellin' out the interests of the common people; I'm against it."


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