Monday, September 17, 2018

My latest footnote on the text of DEVIL MAKE A THIRD gives one an idea of the accuracy of the details included in Dougie Bailey's masterpiece of historical fiction based upon Dothan's formative years. Buck has turned eighteen. He's got twenty bucks in his pocket and he aims to move to Aven. He hitches a ride with his little brother on the family's wagon and as they proceed to town the sound the wagon's iron rimmed wheels make on the sand creates a white noise effect which stimulates a stream of consciousness in Buck that takes him back to the little schoolhouse he attended until he was eleven when he had to quit to work in the fields. One of the eleven statements about the images going through Buck's head reads "-his Blue Back speller that cost a quarter bushel of meal-." From what I can tell from reading old newspapers, Dougie was right on the money. Webster's Elementary Spelling Book, often compared to the Bible in terms of the number of copies printed in America, cost anywhere from 10 to 25 cents a copy and a quarter bushel of corn meal which was 12 pounds went anywhere from 10 to 25 cents per quarter bushel or peck. 


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