Friday, September 14, 2018

In Chapter 21 of DEVIL MAKE A THIRD, fifty year old Buck takes his "child bride", 19 year old Lota, out to Colorado for their honeymoon. Lota wanted to go out there because she'd never seen snow. Right when they get out West, Buck gets a telegram from his brother telling him that he's been drafted to run for Congress. Lota gets really excited about moving to D.C. but Buck tells her it's impossible for him to be elected because he has so many enemies in Aven. Her reply is "Killjoy.....Well, I'll go to Washington without you and I'll eat nothing but fried chicken and champagne." Buck responds, "You'll go to Aven and eat nothing but sowbelly and collards." The character of Lota Kyle is based upon Eula Stagg Baker Smith, Buck Baker's "child bride" who settled in Jacksonville, Florida after Buck's death. Eula ended up going "to Washington without you" and eating "nothing but fried chicken and champagne." In May of 1942, after being fired from her Jacksonville job, she was hired by Monroe Kaplan (a.k.a. John Porter Monroe, J.P. Monroe [almost sounds like "J.P. Morgan"]) as a "researcher." Monroe set Eula up in a 22 room 4 bath house on R Street in Washington and they began hosting dinner parties for D.C. bigwigs while acting as "manufacturer's agents" in negotiating contracts for firms supplying war material. After their scheme blew up, Eula became known as "THE MYSTERY WOMAN OF R STREET", "THE MYSTERIOUS WOMAN IN BLACK" (Eula wore all black with black stockings to the Congressional hearing investigating her) and "THE WOMAN IN THE BIG RED HOUSE".


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