Saturday, September 02, 2017

After Buck Bannon gets married to his teenage bride, Lota Kyle, in DEVIL MAKE A THIRD, she asks for a car and he tells her to get one and charge it to him. This sets up a hilarious episode where Lota shows up in downtown Aven in a huge car driven by a chauffeur and as the townspeople "Ooh" and "Ahh", Buck buys oranges from the Greek's (Saliba) fruit stand and begins pelting the automobile with oranges. Later at their rooms on the east end of THE HARRISON HOUSE, Lota says she understands why Buck got so mad seeing "a country girl going hog-wild with a big new automobile and a driver, playing Mrs. God because she married the richest man in town." Buck tells her they can't afford to look like "big dogs" even though they might very well be the biggest dogs in town. Lota agrees to send the car back and Buck says he'll do something nice for her. She takes him up on it and asks to go off to college. In real life, Eula Stagg went off to Brenau after Buck Baker died but all along I felt that the conservative girl's school described in DEVIL MAKE A THIRD was modeled after Brenau. from the Tuesday, May 4, 1943 DOTHAN EAGLE


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