Friday, November 04, 2016

Rest In Peace, KAY STARR. She passed away on Thursday, November 3, 2016, at her home in Beverly Hills. Don't know how many times Ms. Starr visited Dauphin Island but she brought national attention to D.I. when she bought a lot in February of 1957. A couple of months later she married George A. Mellen who S. BLAKE McNEELY, called "the first man to give the island the first good shot in the arm that it needed to start on its way." Beginning in September of 1956, Mellen, according to McNeely,"purchased Little Dauphin Island for the sum of $300,000, took an option on Point Isabel (present-day location of the Jeremiah A. Denton Airport)  for $100,000 and bought sufficient Gulf front property adjoining the Sand Dunes Casino to build a motel (old Holiday Inn) and also agreed to construct a small shopping center in the Central Commercial area."
Ms. Starr wasn't married to Mr. Mellen very long and he later sold his D.I. holdings to his New Mexico associates. Ms. Starr did have a hit with STARS FELL ON ALABAMA in 1948.

from the January, 1957 issue of SWINGING AROUND GOLF: "Pushing construction of 18-hole course on Dauphin Island, near Mobile, Ala... George Mellen, Albuquerque, N.M.[ed.note: Kay Starr's fourth husband], Richard Misener, Carle McEvoy and George Rifley of St. Petersburg, Fla., are among those in deal to build and operate the club...Course construction being financed by sale of lots on the island thru a campaign conducted by Mobile Chamber of Commerce."


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