Tuesday, September 27, 2016

iu the early part of the year 1822, he removed the greater number of the negroes to a plantation of his, at the distance of eighty miles from the "Red Bluffs ;" and that subsequently he and his legal representatives continued to exercise ownership over them ; is it not astonishing that Farrow should have practised so monstrous an imposition on the committee which reported. the bill of the 3d March, 1825, for his relief, as to have induced it to believe that the property had been delivered to, and still remained in the possession of, the agent of the Government ? The Committee of Claims of the House of Representatives, in their report of March 19th, 1830, in relation to this matter, says, " that when the Committee of Claims reported the bill of the 3d March, 1825, the committee entertained the opinion that a large number of slaves, and personal property of very considerable value, were in possession of an officer of the United States, by virtue of the trust deed executed by Farrow and Harris to Captain Gads den, as agent of the United States, and that said property had so been in the possession of the officers of the United States, and used for the benefit of the United States, from the 10th of April, 1820, up to the time of making said report, whereas the result of the investigation shows that no officer or agent ol the United States ever had possession of the slaves or other property mentioned in the deed of trust ; and that the deed was executed to Captain Gadsden to cover the property, to prevent the creditors of Farrow and Harris from levying their executions on it."


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