Sunday, November 18, 2018

from page 695 of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion

Report of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Browne, U.S. Navy, commanding U. S. bark Restless, regarding expedition in search of blockade runners in West Bay.

U. S. BARK RESTLESS, St. Andrew's Bay, Florida, May 6, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to make the following report: Having learned from refugees that a sloop-rigged boat, with a crew of 10 men and 2 officers, had run the blockade at Mobile and had captured a smack from our forces at East Pass, which they destroyed, the crew of which made their escape after being captured, and were accompanied by two of the sloop's crew, the remainder of which hauled the sloop across into West Bay with the assistance of the salt makers and their ox teams, I fitted out my first cutter and 17 men, under charge of Acting Ensign Thomas Tierney, and gave him orders to search all the bayous in West Bay. The cutter left the ship on the 4th instant, and after searching all the bayous as directed without seeing any signs of the sloop, but ascertained she had been hauled to Marianna on ox carts, after which they made preparations to return to the ship.

It is my melancholy duty to report an accident which happened on the cutter when about ready to start, by which Edward Delaman, ordinary seaman, lost his life by the accidental discharge of a firearm he was moving from one part of the boat to another, catching the hammer afoul of an oar, discharging the piece and lodging the contents in his right breast, passing through his lungs and out his back. He expired a moment or two afterwards. The cutter immediately returned to the ship, arriving about 6 o'clock on the night of the 6th instant. I enclose Acting Assistant Surgeon L. F. Morse's report. He will be buried on Hurricane Island.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
                                                                    W. R. BROWNE,
                                                                     Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, Commanding

Acting Rear-Admiral T. BAILEY,
Commanding East Gulf Blockading Squadron.


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