Saturday, November 17, 2018

from page 78 of the UNITED STATES COASTAL PILOT... 1916:

Crooked Island is a long, narrow island extending north westward from St. Andrews Point to the entrance to St. Andrews Bay. It incloses a shallow, unimportant body of water known as St. Andrews Sound.

ST. ANDREWS BAY is a narrow, irregularly shaped, landlocked harbor of moderate depth, lying 27 miles northwestward of Cape San Blas. The entrance, southeastward of Hurricane Island, is obstructed by a shifting bar, which has been improved by dredging a channel 200 feet wide and 22 feet deep. St. Andrews Bay is the approach to the tributary inlets of East, West, and North Bays and to several towns and villages. The bay has some little commerce in lumber and naval stores.

East Bay is an arm of St. Andrews Bay, extending in a general east-southeasterly direction for about 18 miles. It is from three eights mile to two and a quarter miles wide, and has a channel depth of 20 to 40 feet for 9 miles, and 12 feet for a farther distance of 3 miles. The inland waterway from Apalachicola Bay reaches the head of East Bay by way of Wetappo River.

North Bay, extending in a northeasterly direction from St. Andrews Bay, is from three eights mile to two and a quarter miles wide, and has a channel depth of 12 feet for 5 miles, and 7 feet to Bayhead, a village at the head of the bay. Several small, unimportant streams enter the bay at its head.

West Bay, extending in a northwesterly direction from St. Andrews Bay, is 2 miles wide, and has a depth of 12 feet for 5 miles, and 8 feet for a farther distance of 3 miles, to near its head.


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