Thursday, March 10, 2022

 page 209 of DEVIL MAKE A THIRD:

"Tom," the little Governor said, throwing back his coattails and sticking his hands deep in his pockets,"you can charm the birds out of the trees, but filibusterin' is just manure on the grave of States' Rights. Forget 'em. The big fight is the Pittsburgh Plus freight rate. It'll last long enough to keep you in Washington for life."  

["The grave of States Rights" was the defeat of the South's secession during the Civil War. The "Pittsburgh Plus freight rate" was the steel industry's custom of charging all steel manufactured in the U.S. based upon both Pittsburgh steel prices plus always adding Pittsburgh freight rates not matter where the steel was shipped from. This form of price fixing and economic discrimination was declared illegal in 1924 but the steel industry ignored the Federal government continued to fix prices to discriminate against Alabama-made steel. ] (clipping from the October 16, 1934 BIRMINGHAM NEWS)


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