Monday, November 22, 2021

 After knocking on Longshore's front door, Buck discovers the existence of Longshore's daughter. Suddenly, Buck has more than business on his mind.  The brown paper bag in which Buck carried the down payment for the mortgage he was seeking along with his well-worn wardrobe had not enhanced Buck's first impression upon Longshore but seeing Buck's interest  in his daughter didn't help Buck's chances of getting a loan. Buck overcomes all of Longshore's suspicions simply by allowing the old man to have a glimpse of the inside of the paper sack filled with Buck's greenbacks. When Longshore points out that he could easily use his own money to buy the bargain-priced property Buck desires rather than financing Buck's purchase, Buck points out that Longshore would rather have Buck's five hundred dollars than a bargain price on the property and Buck was correct. Even though the two  part with Longshore insulting Buck by calling him a thief for exploiting a tragedy, Buck walks off Longshore's porch and into Aven's night knowing that his business plan has made a tremendous leap forward. Buck's last words to Longshore give a good description of Buck's strategy, "I ain't got time to stop and build bridges when I come to a creek. I've got to jump to stay on schedule."


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