Monday, September 27, 2021

 (Status in Bannon society) from the page 16: The steady crunch of the wagon wheels lulled him until the picture of the schoolroom was a jumble of his first day and his last day- that time when he was eleven and had to quit school to help in the fields- and his Blue Back speller that cost a quarter bushel of meal-pitch pine popping and sparking and scorching some while the others froze-swapping seats and wishing spring would come- sudden bursts of temper from being too close together - and the Peters boy that got somebody else's lunch bucket and they had to open it to prove it wasn't his-little Doshie Evans crying and ashamed to claim it when they saw that all she had was fatback, syrup, and corn bread-and of the rest of them being real quiet because they didn't want anybody to see what they had.


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