Wednesday, June 16, 2021

 Captain G.Y. Malone moved to Dothan in 1897 and by 1898 had constructed a large house on Foster Street. (from the July 21, 1897 Geneva Tribune) 

Captain G.Y. Malone may have been one of the models Dougie Bailey used for the character of AMOS LONGSHORE in DEVIL MAKE A THIRD but one thing we know for certain is where Dougie got the name LONGSHORE.  There's an interesting TUSCALOOSA CONNECTION to the Dougie Bailey's novel DEVIL MAKE A THIRD. Dougie's wife's mother, Emma Friedman Herzberg, was the sister of Sam Friedman and Hugo Friedman, both important civic leaders in Tuscaloosa and supporters of the University of Alabama. Friedman Hall where I roomed as a freshman was named for Hugo whose financial support of Alabama football enabled the team to win the championships that put BAMA in the national spotlight. Well, Sam was married to Annie Laurie Longshore so Dougie's wife's aunt's maiden name was Longshore and this was the name Dougie chose for the surname of his novel's banker who in the novel gives Buck Bannon his first loan, whose daughter becomes Buck's first wife and whose threat to eliminate the City of Aven's credit leads Buck to regulate Aven's prostitutes, gamblers and bootleggers with city taxes. (from the October 27, 1953 Dothan Eagle)


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