Saturday, December 26, 2020

The book is DOTHAN'S MOST SUCCESSFUL NOVEL. It was published in 1948 and written by Dothan's Dougie Bailey. It is pure fiction modeled upon the Baker family of Dothan. The fictional town of Aven is based upon Dothan and could be considered another character in the novel as it grows and develops through each of the 33 chapters and 11 interludes of the novel. (the novel also has two endings) If you understand DEVIL MAKE A THIRD, you will comprehend Dothan's formative years. I'm amazed that I'm explaining this to you. If you have no interest in how Dothan came to be then you should ignore most of my posts, however, I will be glad to answer your questions. The hope is that a new edition of DEVIL MAKE A THIRD will be published soon.


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