Friday, June 19, 2020

I got a great killdeer with a broken wing story. During the summer of '69, I got a killer civil service job @ Ft. Rucker but it wasn't going to start for about two or three weeks so I got my old summer job back working in the Dothan City Cemetery. So first day I'm back on the job, my boss, Mr. Scott, shows me the killdeer nest on this gravel plot and the bird does its act and I'd never seen that before. So had a good week but Mr. Scott got sick on Tuesday and on Thursday he died. So I come back to work on Monday morning and there's the backhoe operator cranking up to dig Mr. Scott's grave located on PLOT WITH THE KILLDEER NEST! I went over and moved the eggs without touching them and the bird went crazy but it never went back to the eggs. But that was WILD. On my first Monday on the job, Mr. Scott showed me my first killdeer nest and the next Monday I find out the killdeer nest was on top of MR. SCOTT'S GRAVE!


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