Thursday, April 30, 2020

page 35 of DEVIL MAKE A THIRD:
"Green's is worth more than sixteen hundred," Longshore said. "How come it's so cheap?"

Buck flushed and his strong fingers closed tighter around the neck of his paper bag.

"His wife's sick. He needs money right now for some doctorin' up in Atlanta."

Longshore stopped rocking and pursed his lips. "So?" Buck's jaw muscles bulged as he clinched his teeth, then slowly they relaxed again. "So, we'd better get it in a hurry. He won't need it if she dies or gets well."

Longshore's eyes closed all the way for a second, then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his knife. He flicked the blade open with quick, almost angry fingers, and began to pare his nails. Buck watched the deliberate movements of the blade and saw little curls fall, whiter than than the nails they left.

"What makes you think I'd rob a man because I had him where the hair is short?"

Buck moved his feet further apart. His voice was coarser, rasping a little in his throat.

"I asked questions. You like to make a dollar."


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