Sunday, January 05, 2020

"My mom was a member of Bobby Jones and the Pine Valley Gang, mentioned in this ad. In 1986, I tape-recorded an interview with her about her life and she remembered performing at this event. Here's what she said:
"We opened shows for Ray Price and the Cherokee Cowboys when he appeared here in his younger years with Carl Smith and Johnny Cash, when Johnny was on his way up in the 1950s. It was outside at the old ball stadium, and there was a large crowd. Although Price was a great singer, after seeing him that night it was my opinion that he was a bit on the arrogant side. After we introduced him and he got his show underway, a light sprinkle of rain started. Price yanked off his guitar.
"'I am not going to ruin my guitar for this,' he said loud enough the large crowd could hear. He walked off the stage, followed by his band. We were sitting in the audience so we could watch his show.
"'Okay, gang, let's hit it. These folks paid good money to see a show,' Bobby, our bandleader, said, when Price and his band walked offstage in that light sprinkle. We sprinted onstage. The crowd went wild when we continued the show, despite the light rain. They showed their appreciation by wild ovation when we finished each of our numbers. An unforgettable experience: I never hear Price sing that I don't get a mental picture of him walking offstage, then huddling in his big Cadillac, while we entertained the huge audience."
Incidentally, Mom's band broke up a year later and Price hired their steel guitarist, Julian Tharpe."


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