Thursday, April 18, 2019

O.K. Here's my plan. If I can project my blog adequately, I'll primarily follow this proposed and INCOMPLETE introduction to my presentation:

It'd sho' be nice if somebody who was MY FRIEND would make me a nice graphic like that one that's promoting the show. It might say sump'in like:

We have more to fear this fall from a lack of this article than we would from Lincoln's invading hordes. FLORIDA SENTINEL (Tallahassee, July 1, 1862)

For my introduction I'll thank everybody for the opportunity to come back and describe how I tackled the assignment of speaking about St. Andrews Bay's role in the Civil War with emphasis upon the salt making business. Then I'll briefly describe the establishment of the blockade and the events leading up to the Confederate evacuation of Pensacola in the spring of 1862.

I'll tighten up the text so that either link is mostly images. I've used almost none of my salt making images but I'm gonna use a bunch of them as the introduction to the first salt raid and ST. ANDREWS BAY'S SECOND ARMED AMPHIBIOUS INVASION OF THE CIVIL WAR.

Looking forward to your reply.


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