Friday, December 09, 2016

from the Friday, April 23, 1819 issue of the MOBILE GAZETTE & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER

(Late Editor of the ANTI-MONARCHIST, at Cambridge, South Carolina)
for publishing by subscription a weekly news-paper at Tuscaloosa (falls Black Warrior)

On making this proposition to the citizens of the Alabama Territory, a decent respect for their opinions requires that I should state the objects to be persued by the Republican & the principles by which it will be governed.

The citizens of this Territory must necessarily meet here, generally speaking, as strangers to each other. Emigrating from different and distant sections of the Union; accustomed to different and in many cases, opposite modes of State government; weded to opposite and conflicting prejudices, and bringing with them a great diversity of manners, customs and habits, they must particularly require some medium of public information, by which they may learn the views and opinions of each other respecting public measures, and public men; and through which each may communicate his own. This free and frequent interchange of sentiment cannot fail to be highly beneficial to the community; to promote concord, strengthen the bonds of union, and bring the citizens to think and act in unison, like brethren of the same family. Such a medium will be found in a widely-circulating News Paper: and no other is so well adapted to these desirable purposes.

From the rapid increase in population, it is evident this Territory must shortly be admitted into the Union, and assume the dignified title of one of the United States. A necessary consequence of which will be, the formation of a constitution-the most important task, of a civil nature, that a state ever has to perform, and for the proper execution of which a collection of all the knowledge and wisdom of the State will be the requisite.

It will be the primary object of the Republican to collect and disseminate the most useful information on this subject, whenever it may be required,and on State polity generally, as connected with the wellfare of Alabama.

The Republican will possess every possible facility of obtaining the earliest and most current information on public affairs, which will be promptly communicated to the public. It will contain, besides the latest foreign intelligence, an account of every important transaction of the general Government-a correct synopsis of the proceedings of Congress, with the votes and most interesting speeches of individual members, particularly of those from this Territory: LAWS for the Territorial government, appointments to office, &c. with every other information which may conduce to the prosperity of the Alabama Territory, and of the American Republic.

Well written essays, in prose or verse, calculated to promote Religion, Morality, Agriculture, Manufactures, the liberal Arts and Sciences, Political or General Knowledge, will be gratefully received and gratuitously published; but the Editor reserves to himself the privilege of rejecting any communications which he may deem indecorous, or otherwise unworthy a place in his columns.

In canvassing the official conduct of public officers, due respect will be always paid to veracity, candor and decorum; and private character will be held sacred.

The glorious and honorable termination of the late War, aided by the good sense of the people of the United States, having consigned to oblivion all party distinctions and animosities, the Editor scarecely deems it necessary to say, that his political creed is that of the Republican school. Having established and conducted, through the late war, a public Journal, under the title Anti-Monarchist, on principles corresponding with the title, he conceives himself warranted in the assertion that, his political principles are such as no friend to the liberties, independence and prosperity of the United States ever was, or ever will be, ashamed to avow.


The Republican will be published once a week, on a Royal sheet at $4 per annum, payable in advance.


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