Sunday, September 27, 2009

Please remember that the smiles, laughter and ultra-polite manners of the FF camouflage a deep hidden rage & bitterness toward Selma, The Church & America.Every one of these knuckleheads is a couple of syllables away from snapping.They came to Selma wearing the mask of ecumentalism but underneath the "joy" of the "spiritual rights movement" lurks a dangerous arrogance produced by a warped, hateful "christianity." Humor is the way to deal with these people. Let 'em know you dearly love the traditions of Selma even as you work to correct her problems.
Laugh in their faces. Confront them with the fact that the joke is on them because they talk a good game but haven't done squat, won't ever do squat and their lives right now add up to squat. Have fun with these people. It'll be dangerous. They have guns. They're mad & they might just hurt someone before this fight is over but we should never be afraid of another person. All we need to do is keep things right with Our Maker & everything's gonna be all right.


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