Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whew, JJJ222! You too much.
Get on a public forum & write "he has did more in this city with the group of volulnteers that moved and many semians than ive seen in 30 years."

Like what, dude?

I can see why you and your fellow aloomnigh don't want teacher testing in Alabama.
Somebody might want you to master that racist a$$ Ainglish language!

Man, you seemed to be so concerned with people having "racial pride." Is that some sort of code word or something? Is MD promising you something you ain't been getting in mean, old hateful Selma?

And what you mean by "if you are connected in any way to news media or politians and come in contact with Mark Duke you will see for yourself that he is truly a man of God!"
Are you accusing the news media and "politians" of having skulls just as thick as your own?

& what this stuff about " dont fall to the lies of what they post of about marriges being arranged or families being destroyed. if this is something to measure a cult by then every church is in major trouble with a 50% divorce rate."
You trying to say that half of all the people who go to church every Sunday in Selma ARE divorced?

Let me tell you something, JJJ22. What you love about the Fleecing Foundation is the idealism they brought to Selma.
But consider this, JJJ22.
The reason they idealistic is that they never had to live around knuckleheads like you.
Let 'em hang around for a few more years.
They will soon see that the JJJ22s of this old world are incapable of shame and got a lame excuse for every indiscretion known to humanity.


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